Rewarded measures

It has been a long time that the champenois winemakers have made a complete commitment on the long-lasting road of the sustainable modern vine growing. This belief, shared by the House of Mater & Filii, has proved to be successful.

A decrease of

50 %

in quantities of phytosanitary
products used

Wine-producing effluents treated:

100 %



Wine-making and wine-producing
waste recycled:

90 %

Carbon impact reduced by:

20 %


But this collective process towards progress can still be improved…

The initiative is not  known enough nor highlighted by the champenois wine-making sector which has to remain a model for both French and international vine-growing sectors.

A profusion of labels and certifications of numerous organizations would not help citizens of the world and/or wine amateurs to make their choice. Therefore, an ambitious reference framework, containing 125 audit issues concerning the wine-making industry, was established.

This unique reference framework is the result of more than 10 years of research and work financed by the whole sector and applies to all champagne winegrowers. It also lists all the numerous requirements that have to be completed by each sustainable winegrower (such as Mater & Filii) who wishes to receive the certification “sustainable vine-growing in Champagne”.